So it's been a while since we've posted any new blogs. Fishing this time of the year can really be hit or miss as weather in the south can be very unpredictable. But thats not what I want to talk about today. This is one of my favorite times of the year for more than one reason. The cooler weather, two family oriented holidays following each other, great fishing at times etc. And speaking of favorites, anyone can probably relate to those feelings of enjoyment when they are doing the things they love. So what is it about fishing (especially catfishing for me) that brings that sense of fulfillment life. Why would anyone be willing to get up at the crack of dawn in nearly any conditions. Whether its 100 degree heat in the summer, or 30 below in the winter. I believe it's the connection we make with a part of ourselves that perhaps we neglect the most. And thats enjoying life, breathing the crisp winter air, staring at the portrait of nature. Stopping long enough to appreciate the freedom from our often hectic and erratic lives.

Everyone should have their own "fishing." A disconnect from the everyday. For me fishing is a few things. Its accomplishment when there is no standard. It is achieving goals when there is none to be met. It is a moment outside of everyday life out in the midst of God's creation. It is relaxing, suspenseful, and just plain fun. For me it begins with the ride to a favorite stop for coffee and maybe a bite to eat. And then away to the landing in anticipation of how great the conditions look. Finally aboard the boat, heading out onto the water. Where will we go first? What do we wanna fish for? What will unfold before the days over. Then perhaps a can of beanie weenies mid-day along with a cold beverage. If it's a good day, maybe the excitement of filling the cooler with fish. Or landing a monster catfish. No matter what unfolds it should be a wonderful experience. Not because the getting up early was fun, or the cold air was uncomfortable - but because this is everything everyday life is not. And it fills your heart with anticipation, adrenaline, and excitement.

Find your "fishing" - its more than a hobby or a craft. Its freedom in the very essence of what life *should* be about.

I look forward to possibly another exciting trip planned the week of Christmas. A time that has the chance of producing some big fish. Perhaps we can beat our own records from this same time last year. Im also looking forward to starting the new year with officially seeking out the Florida catfish records. I hope you all find time to do the things you love this month.

12/18/2008 09:45:19 am

Well Eddie I couldn't have said it better myself. Spoken eloquently and with such poise. I too feel that everyone needs that so called "fishing release". A good disconnect from all that burdens the soul.I hope that maybe we can drop lines together sometime here in the near future. Cheers


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